Customer Ask
We were scrambling around to find a budget and resources to implement a solution to meet the regulatory deadlines for CCPA
Implemented a Data Governance Compliance Solution, a simple yet comprehensive to manage PI Data for a non-profit organization in the DC area & make them CCPA Compliant in 4 months
“Great work and this CCPA effort has laid foundation for complying with similar Data Privacy act's in future”
– Associate Director, Member Research,
A non-profit organization in DC area
A non-profit organization in DC area
Reduced the time to Implement CCPA
The Solution
CCPA Governance Solution Provides a framework that identifies all the required PI Data elements and the Operational Model required in order to ensure each PI elements is fully understood (System of Record, Owner etc.) and is governed properly
Core Features
- System of Record Attestation (Data Ownership)
- Workflows for PI Data Element Governance
- PI Discovery